
Add account

To add one more account to Keeper Wallet mobile app:

  1. Select My accounts.

  2. Tap + on the Accounts screen.

  3. Select the option:

    • Create wallet to create an account from scratch, see details in Create new account section.

    • Import wallet to import an account via a secret phrase or a private key, see details in Import account section.

Find account

  1. Select My accounts.

  2. Start typing the account name or paste the address.

Only accounts matching the search criteria will remain in the list.

Switch account

To switch to another account:

  1. Select My accounts.

  2. Tap on the account name.

  3. Select Make active.

View account details

To view details of the active account:

  1. Select Account details.

To view details of another account:

  1. Select My accounts.

  2. Tap on the account name.

  3. Select Account details.

On the account details screen you can edit the account name and copy the account data: address, public key, private key, and secret phrase.

Copying a private key or secret phrase must be confirmed with the password or PIN.

Rename account

Remove account

⚠️ Make sure you wrote down the secret phrase, otherwise you won't be able to restore your account later and will lose all funds on it.

Last updated